How I Use Data Science and Design Thinking to achieve better outcomes
Many businesses are in a hurry to include data science in their product creation and delivery processes because automated and AI-enhanced data processing tools are becoming more widely available, and there is a proliferation of these tools. However, to achieve the best possible product outcomes, it is necessary to understand how qualitative and quantitative methods can complement and reinforce each other throughout the design process. It allows designers to create products that are both human-centered and robust. As an innovation specialist I am constantly iterating and experimenting with new ways of combining these strategies to provide our customers with superior goods and services.
Many product designs and delivery teams use data science to automate and improve the mechanics of previously established procedures (e.g., automatic audio transcription of design research interviews or computer vision and clustering of concept ideas). Data science techniques can fundamentally improve our understanding of the challenges faced by our clients and our capacity to develop solutions that are robust, validated, and scalable to address those challenges. Data science enables us to connect with user data in novel ways and to collect and evaluate new kinds of user information, which in turn offers statistical power and validation for the ideas we develop. The combination of data science with design thinking is, in the end, all about knowing our end user and how, in turn, we can assist our clients to serve that user in the most effective manner possible.
Many businesses are in a hurry to include data science in their product creation and delivery processes as a result of the growth of automated and AI-enhanced data processing tools, as well as the greater accessibility of these technologies. However, to achieve the best possible product outcomes, it is essential to have a solid understanding of how qualitative and quantitative methods can support and complement each other throughout the design process. This will allow for the creation of products that are both user-friendly and durable. I am constantly iterating and experimenting with new ways of combining these strategies to provide our customers with superior goods and services.
Thinking that is Enhanced by Data from Design
The term “design thinking” refers to an organized approach to the problem-solving process comprising a variety of qualitative activities that encourage the production of design solutions that are insightful, human-centered, and effective. The actions that are carried out throughout the process of design thinking may vary from project to project based on the nature of the issue that is being addressed; nonetheless, the following activities are considered to be fundamental activities:
I supplement these qualitative activities with various quantitative tools, which both confirm the hypotheses that arise throughout the design process and give new sources of understanding. These quantitative methods include: Even if many of these quantitative approaches have no choice but to be carried out in conjunction with the qualitative ones, we nonetheless make it a point to ensure that they cross at strategic moments during the design process. Some of the activities that we list work better for “design research” projects, which place more emphasis on the stages of design thinking that uncover user needs and pain points, and prototype and validate potential solutions. Some of the activities that we list work better for “design research” projects. Others are better suited for “design and build” projects, which place a greater focus on putting these proven solutions into production and continually improving upon them via iterative processes. These projects function better with certain iterative approaches.
In the next section, we will describe the five steps of our process for the human-centered design and delivery of products, as well as the ways in which data science interacts at each level and some instances of the activities that accompany each stage.
First, take an empathic stance.
The first step in the design thinking process is to develop empathy for the people we are designing for. From a qualitative point of view, this typically involves conducting ethnographic interviews with relatively small groups of users. The goal of these interviews is to gain an in-depth understanding of the user journey, as well as the pain points, motivations, and subsequent behaviors that are relevant to our design problem.
While secondary research that makes use of both confidential and public sources of information helps to shape the overall framework of these interviews, we make it a point to always ask open-ended questions in the hopes of eliciting replies that are unexpected and counter-intuitive. Such reactions shed light on conclusions that we would not have arrived at via a process of reasoning that was solely deductive, leading to essential insights that may guide our subsequent designs.
The need for data science is defined by the fact that data science as a subject often needs to pay more attention to the process of empathy. I have concluded that the phase of the design thinking process referred to as “empathizing” is a crucial juncture for the implementation of data science. We can ensure that our biases lead us to place only a little importance on the pain points of users whose stories resonate strongly with us, for example, or too little importance on those whose stories do not by informing our qualitative research with quantitative insights. This is accomplished by ensuring that our qualitative research is informed by quantitative insights.
Example Tasks: Social media communities provide helpful information and extra context to challenges that our users are encountering. Data science may assist us in putting this information into context and evaluating it in light of the findings of the design study. For instance, quantitative surveying using thoughtfully crafted and conditionally structured questions enables us to establish the presence and strength of statistically significant causal links between pain points, beliefs, and the subsequent user behaviors that result from these relationships. These surveys cannot be appropriately designed without first forming hypotheses on what these links might be; qualitative approaches tell us what may be happening and what the possible reasons may be, whereas quantitative methods tell us how frequently it is happening and how significant those reasons are.
Stage 2: Define
After developing empathy with our users and gaining an awareness of the factors that contribute to their actions, the next step is to identify the nature and scope of the issues that they face in a more precise manner. This method compiles all of the information that we have acquired up to this point by finding patterns that either support or refute our preconceived notions about the subject matter. In many cases, the most important realizations that result from going through this process are a synthesis of previously known theories about the way the world operates, with unanticipated discoveries gleaned through our design study.
The precise identification of user requirements paves the way for the formulation of one or more hypotheses, which in turn serve as the jumping-off points for the creation of original designs that meet those requirements in novel or unforeseen ways. Our customers get exceptional benefits as a result of this method, in contrast to the majority of our clients’ rivals, who tend to rely more heavily on perceived domain expertise and have a rather superficial grasp of their consumers.
The importance of data science cannot be overstated since it is an essential instrument for judging the validity of the hypotheses we formulate. If we were methodical in our data collection and analysis during the Empathize stage, then during the Define stage we would be able to directly test our hypotheses against the quantitative evidence we have collected. This will allow us to determine the relative strengths of each hypothesis and then rank them accordingly. For instance, if we know that one particular pain point was expressed very strongly in qualitative research but only affected 10 percent of users, and we also understand that another pain point was mentioned in passing but affected 90 percent of users, then we can develop more valuable hypotheses about which problems need to be solved first and how much effort will be required to solve them.
Furthermore, by discovering correlations between pain points and the types of users who experience them, we are able to develop even more nuanced hypotheses that only apply to specific user archetypes or certain modes of behavior. This is because the pain points are particular to the users who experience them.
Example Tasks The Define stage is highly iterative, cycling between the formulation of qualitative hypotheses, the testing and validation of quantitative hypotheses, and the refining of qualitative views. For instance, we could have two ideas as to why some users still need to finish the sign-up process. Either the sign-up procedure takes too much time, or it needs information that the users still need to get available. In this scenario, quantitative methods such as AB testing can be used to compare the amount of time spent by users who completed the sign-up process with the amount of time spent by unsuccessful users; or the completion rates of users who are utilizing a laptop at home, where they can more easily locate an essential piece of information, with those who are using a mobile device. We could take this investigation further by contrasting the amount of time that users spend on mobile devices with the amount of time that they spend on laptops. This would tell us whether or not one of our hypotheses is operating as a confounding factor rather than a causative element.
Ideate is the third stage.
The Ideation stage is when we come up with ideas for possible solutions to the problems that our users are experiencing. We utilize the motto “no idea is a bad idea” to promote unconstrained brainstorming and develop solutions that may not be immediately apparent or common, given the challenges we have discovered. This helps us develop creative answers to issues that may take time to be evident or typical. After the first round of idea generation, we narrow down the possibilities and group the ideas into categories that are related to one another (e.g., they solve similar pain points or are suitable for certain user archetypes or technologies).
The need for data science seems to be in conflict with the need for unlimited and open-ended possibilities that are inherent in creativity. However, establishing quantifiable evaluations of different pain points and the strengths of our hypotheses is essential to this process. Because of this, we decided to ignore them for the most part during the brainstorming session and instead use them as a contextual frame to make sure that everyone is beginning from the same place in terms of their knowledge of the issue area.
These quantitative understandings may play a significant part in intelligently grouping ideas during the down-selection and concept-sorting phase of the ideation process. They can also act as a tie-breaker when there are different viewpoints about which strategy could be the best.
Example Tasks: Even though there are some opportunities for process automation in the Ideation stage (for instance, automatic clustering of different ideas using natural language processing and unsupervised learning techniques), the primary benefit of data science in this stage is in the synthesis of user pain points, our hypotheses about the underlying causes of those pain points, and the concepts we have developed to solve them. Example Tasks: Here, we can use quantitative surveying, which has been made much easier and more potent by interactive online testing platforms, to design and train a behavioral model that both measures the extent to which each concept addresses underlying pain points and predicts how they will influence user behavior. This can be accomplished by utilizing interactive online testing platforms, which have made quantitative surveying much easier and more powerful. A model of this kind may also be used to its full potential in order to optimize the effect that any given solution will have.
Phase 4: The Actual Prototype
During the prototyping stage, the ideas are brought to life for the first time. Sketches of mockup screens and product features are produced by visual designers. User journeys, hero flows, and interactive prototypes are all things that interaction designers create. Strategists are responsible for developing business models and product roadmaps that will optimize the amount of income generated by a product. Iteration is used extensively on prototypes to guarantee that they have satisfactorily solved all of the problematic areas that were identified during research.
Need for Data Science Although the exact demands of prototyping in terms of data science may change based on the project, data science should always guide the process. It is essential for design research projects that the prototypes being built find solutions to the most relevant challenges, and they must do so in the appropriate sequence. It is possible to do a query on the behavioral model in order to verify that this is in fact, the situation and to direct the enhancement of the user experience. When working on design and construction projects, we might use the behavioral model to ensure that the alpha version of the product does not have usability problems as a result of a lack of data or that the product roadmap includes a targeted data acquisition strategy that enables more complex functionalities to be validated by user interactions before they are deployed more widely. Both of these things are important for ensuring that the product does not have usability problems.
Activities as an Example It is necessary to make judgments regarding the relative importance of various product characteristics whenever design research studies are being undertaken. This process can be supported by the behavioral model, which can evaluate how well they address each pain point, as well as the total number of users they address by factoring in the prevalence of each pain point in the market. This evaluation can help determine whether or not the behavioral model is useful. You can also use it to get rid of redundancy by making sure that the design solutions are as orthogonal as feasible in terms of the problems that each product component solves for the consumers and the pain points that they experience.
Whenever we are working on design and construction projects, we are often getting ready to conduct a limited test of our MVP in the market. In situations like this, the behavioral model can assist in determining which people are more likely to interact with our product and offer either active or passive input that is beneficial. It is also possible to analyze which feature combinations will be able to meet the requirements of various user groups in the most effective manner. At this point, we are also developing the initial data acquisition pipelines and analytics components that will allow us to interpret user feedback in the context of what we have already learned about the users. These components will allow us to analyze user feedback in the context of what we have already learned about the users.
Stage 5: Test
Testing is the first time we obtain input from actual users on how well our design solutions satisfy their demands. Although a certain degree of idea testing takes place throughout the initial phases, Testing warrants its own grade since it is the first time we get this feedback. Testing may reveal errors we have made or opportunities that we have yet to fully realize, despite the fact that we make every effort to guarantee that all user demands are satisfied. It’s possible that we needed to give more weight to one group. When people started using the system, it’s likely that there was a problem area or user behavior that wasn’t discovered during our study but which became apparent as soon as people started using it.
When doing design research, it is common practice to show consumers drawings, physical prototypes, or click-throughs and give them the option to provide real-time verbal feedback about their experience with the product. We analyze this input to determine which aspects of our development need modification or improvement.
It is helpful to stress the iterative and continuing nature of product refinement and improvement while working on design and construction projects to use the notion of a “test and learn” loop. A solution that is ideal on day one will only be perfect for a while since user demands and behaviors change over time, and our rivals may steal the most effective components of our designs, which will force us to innovate and stay ahead of them.
The need for data science may be summarized as follows: while there are classes of models that function well for small groups of users given appropriate domain knowledge, all approaches used in data science operate better at scale. Testing our design with the biggest possible group of users gives us greater confidence that it will be successful in the market, assuming, of course, that our strategy is not exclusively meant for a minimal number of users, which is a situation that occurs extremely seldom. In addition, the field of data science gives us the tools we need to assess and evaluate our designs in a manner that is objective. Depending on where we are in the design process and the resources that are available for prototyping and testing design elements, this can be done at various levels of design fidelity and at multiple resolutions of our product, ranging from the status of the granular feature up to the story of the overarching system.
Example Activities: The only way to get in-depth qualitative input is through small focus groups. Statistical testing, on the other hand, allows for the encoding of a certain amount of qualitative information that may be acquired from bigger user groups. The results of these tests can then be incorporated into product backlogs to ensure that we make the most effective use of our design and development resources, or they can be investigated even further in additional qualitative feedback sessions to uncover more insight into the causes of any unexpected trends, patterns, and correlations that we have discovered.
In design research initiatives, we only arrive at a completed product after first validating the validity of several ideas and features. Quantitative surveying and online click-throughs can be used to test components, information layouts, design languages, and user flows to uncover hidden problems and bottlenecks that may not be visible in a small group. These problems and bottlenecks may prevent users from completing their tasks efficiently. We also have the option of asking customers if they would use our product at all, given their current procedures and workarounds, as well as how their behavior could change as a result of using our product if they did use it. Even while this might deliver negative news, it is best to get this news early so that we can make course corrections and interventions that are more effective.
When it comes to designing and constructing anything, which is essentially the same as putting our concept into production, we need to have a much more organized approach to testing and learning. Not only must there be analytics in place to monitor and visualize conventional KPIs such as conversion and click-through rates, but there must also be analytics in place to measure and visualize user experience metrics, which were historically able to be assessed exclusively under design lab circumstances. More common methods, such as AB testing, need to be expanded so that they may evaluate site layouts and functionalities, as well as the precise pain spots and undesirable behaviors that our design solution is intended to target.
Obtaining the desired result
As was seen above, data science is capable of providing much more than only mechanical interventions that merely accelerate the traditional design thinking process. However, it is essential to note that such tools are unquestionably helpful. In addition, there is no justification for pitting data science against conventional qualitative research methods or engaging in an ideological battle over which way is superior when doing research. We will be able to develop design solutions that are not only exceptional from a conceptual and experience standpoint but also have the potential to be successful in the market if we take the time to interweave design thinking, strategy, and data science properly.